The Geneva Blockchain Desk

We offer a single point of contact for blockchain in Geneva & in Switzerland.
We help you connect the dots between you and the answers you seek.
By becoming a member you join an ecosystem conducive to growth.

We help you find the Good People


Ask questions about the ecosystem

We inform you on any questions you might have regarding the vibrant blockchain ecosystem we have in Geneva.

We put you in touch with the local players and Authorities.

Incorporate your Project

We help you find the relevant service providers in order to help you build your project.

Learn how to incorporate your entity and settle your blockchain project in Geneva!

Find your offices in Geneva

We help you find an office, or a space in Geneva by connecting you to the right service providers.

Find your perfect spot, and get a domiciliation in Geneva.

Services Providers

You need services providers? Lawyers, tax advisors, blockchain auditors, tokeneconomics consultants, financial intermediary, marketing, communication, designers, etc.

Ask and we will connect you with the right service provider.

Funding & Partners

Do you need to raise funds for your project?

Do you need to find employees, co-founders or partners relevant to your ecosystem or what you do?

We help you connect with relevant stakeholders.

Meet the local community!

Participate to events, organise one, meet the locals Swiss communities and network! We work for and by our Members.

We encourage cross-field connection and ventures to stimulate the ecosystem! Let us know!

Get in touch with the Geneva blockchain Ecosystem


The Good Token Society 

c/o CCIG
Bd du Théâtre 4 – 1204 Genève | CH



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