NGO & Start-Up

CHF 450.00

Buy this product and become a member of Small NGO & Start-up membership plan.

Advantages included :

  • 1 year subscription
  • 1 vote in the General Assembly
  • Access to the Association's created content
  • Opportunity to join our Working Groups
  • Networking with other Members
  • Receive regular invitations to attend our events
  • Access to special events
  • Company profile listed on members’ directory
  • Make use of our communication channels
  • Branding opportunities through sponsorship packages
  • Opportunity to bring services to the community.
  • Discounts on GTS & Partner events
  • Receive invitations to deliver presentations at events
  • Pitch your project
  • Use GTS logo on your LinkedIn & website
  • Receive Up-to-date information on Swiss technological developments
  • Introduction to legal and tax, bank opening and how-to setup a company in Switzerland

The Good Token Society 

c/o CCIG
Bd du Théâtre 4 – 1204 Genève | CH



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